Sunday, January 6, 2008

Contest for a Sunday

I've been meaning to do my promised post about Credence Clearwater Revival's Chronicle since Thursday, but I can't figure out my angle. It's down to "Fortunate Are the Sons in a Travelin' Band," "You Stop the Rain?! Don't Make Me Laugh," or "Dropping Off the Sweet Hitch-Hiker in Lodi, Again ." I'll figure it all out by tomorrow.

Today is supposed to be Joke for a Sunday day, anyway, so check out this one I've heard many times. I heard it most recently this morning in church, since Jan. 6 is Epiphany. It's also Eastern Orthodox Christmas Eve, so you might still have time to do some last-minute shopping for stocking stuffers at GUM.

If there had been three wise women instead of three wise men, the women would have asked directions directly to Nazareth, arrived on time, helped delivered the baby, brought practical gifts, cleaned the stable, and made a casserole.


Pretty lame, huh? Still, it opens the intriguing question of what three gifts would be fit for the Holy Family on the occassion of the Savior's birth. Mine would be

-- A year's worth of swaddling from Yehuda b'Jeduah
-- A copy of The Cuddle Sutra
-- Gold certificates; everybody likes gold, but it's kind of hard to carry around

What would you bring if you had to play Balthasar, Gaspar, Melchior?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

1) a copy of the beastie boy's "paul's boutique." 'cause a few good listens during his angst-ridden teenage years might really help smooth things over for the rest of us, eh?

2) a copy of "the critique of pure reason," emanual kant. 'cause shit, man, even god can't figure that out!

3) a 20-sided die. self-explanatory.