Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Destroy the Village to Destroy It

Thor played Loki yesterday, blowing up NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory satellite before it could get into orbit and begin transmitting observations on the gaseous composition of Earth's atmosphere.

For this ultimate act of hilariously ironic meddling in the affairs of mortals, I will dedicate my next bull slaughter to the Norse god of thunder.

Few single events -- if any -- create more so-called greenhouse gas emissions than a NASA missile launch. If the global warming theorists are correct in asserting that human- and livestock-generated carbon dioxide, methane, and ozone are the principal cause of global warming, then how can they justify sending objects such as the OCO into space?

Along the same line of inquiry, what does flying dozens of political functionaries to and from Antarctica to personally hear information they could as easily and more effectively receive in an e-mail do other than generate several metric tons of supposedly ice-killing carbon dioxide?

Until every member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change can recite Matthew 7:5 by heart, I refuse to take them seriously as individuals committed to solving a purported problem.

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