Thursday, April 3, 2008

Why Businesses Fail

Because business professors are capital M morons. The stupid lead the blind into disaster.

Here is a direct quote from the press materials of a biz school professor who seemingly has a Svengali-like sway over strategic decision makers in the public and private sectors and who is giving a major address at an upcoming govenment conference I'm doing some consulting for:

"[H]e encourages his individuals to look within to extract the keys that underlie all accomplishment."

Keys underlie doormats, not accomplishment [sic].

Look within what?

Does he own "his individuals," or is the professor an unfortuate sufferer of shiczoaffective disorder. If the latter, perhaps his 20-year-old personality can unlock all the other voices' potential to achieve a coherent thought.

Christ, I hate business speak. It's worse than meaningless. It's actually destructive of meaning and understanding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Also, it's a pox upon the English language. I've refused to use "business English" in writing proposals and reports in my current position - well, actually, in all my jobs, but this time around, it seems to freak people out. Love it!